Monday 26 November 2018

For the Love of a Dingo – Review by Karina McRoberts

It was amazing.

A lovely little read. Not a work of literature, but rather an appreciative biography of a woman who dedicated her life to improving the image of Australia's native dog. Just the tonic to balance out some of the heavier stuff I've been reading of late.

Great to learn more about dingoes, but also about dingo-human interaction beyond traps, guns, and poisons. The dingo has had so much bad press; it's practically an evil icon.

Of course, there's always another side to most stories. I commend the authors for their work in dingo conservation and for bringing the brighter side of these animals' personalities to life!

So now, I'm off to read the Pamela King's next book - The Merigal Dingoes! :)

Rating 5*

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Friday 2 November 2018

Merigal Dingoes – Review by TeamGolfwell

Harry Dingo aka Harry Houdini

I am thrilled to share the first review for Merigal Dingoes. Thank you to TeamGolfwell for reading it so quickly.

Five Stars. I enjoyed reading “Merigal Dingoes: An Anthology of Dingo Stories from Merigal Dingo Sanctuary” by Pamela King which is a wonderful collection of dingo stories. This anthology includes stories by Berenice Walters, the founder of the Australian Native Dog Training Society later renamed the Australian Native Dog Conservation Society and Pamela King and others (even one by “Harry Dingo aka Harry Houdini” Haha!). An excerpt from one of the stories by Berenice,

“The Dingo is the embodiment of a free and natural spirit; independent, noble and aloof, dignified and graceful, quiet and reflective; an animal of tremendous loyalty and compassion for members of their family group or the human fortunate enough to have the trust and love of this most intriguing native Australian. There are countless tales of the devotion of the Dingo to a mate caught in a trap, poisoned, or incapacitated in some way; of a bitch deliberately making a target of herself to decoy a would-be enemy from her helpless pups; not aggressive enough to attack, but courageous enough to die for those she loves.”

Filled with intriguing, humorous, moving, thought-provoking, heart-breaking and heart-warming stories of this amazing breed of dog, I felt humbled reading about the instinctive traits of the Dingo such as a trust, loyalty, heroic acts, and unbending devotion.

Berenice Walters studied dingoes for over 40 years. The noble traits of this breed made Bernice better understand herself and she steadfastly promoted the breed, so humankind would likewise better understand themselves and the sometimes-forgotten noble qualities that every human possesses.

Pamela King, a very close friend of Berenice and herself a board member with the Australian Native Dog Conservation Society, has included some of her stories and inserted intriguing pictures throughout the book bringing the stories more to life and engaging me even more as I read this wonderful book.

I finished this anthology sooner than expected and felt gratified with the new knowledge and warm feelings from this anthology. 

Another excerpt about Berenice’s much loved and special house dingo, Sheila,

“During the night she (Sheila) would regularly check to make sure Berenice (who was suffering from motor neuron disease) was there. Berenice would hear her claws clicking on the tile floor, then feel breathing close to her face. If she appeared asleep, Sheila would return to her bed; if she opened her eyes, Sheila slowly wagged her tail in greeting.”

This anthology is refreshing for all ages. It reminds the reader the higher qualities of life especially and shows a young adult reader the greater good in us all. Highly recommended!

For information on how to order the book please visit  

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