Tuesday 18 June 2019

The Show Ring, Dog Breeds and Dingoes

[In 1870] Sydney “show” breeders were, for the first time, able to acquire Hall’s Heelers. Although  these dogs were deemed the perfect cattle dog by stockmen and drovers in the “bush”, the Sydney “show” breeders felt the need to “improve” them. After some weird and wonderful experimental breedings, and by their own admissions, the city breeders dogs “lost a lot of working ability”.

Bert Howard, Australian Cattle Dog Historian

The Walters were one of the few cattle dog breeders whose dogs were both excellent working dogs and excelled in the show ring.

While Berenice was involved with the show dog world she saw first hand how the conformity of dogs changed from at the whim of breeders.

It was the reason she never wanted to see the Dingo in the show ring.  

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Tuesday 11 June 2019

From Cattle Dog Kennels to Dingo Enclosures

Wooleston, Berenice and Bern Walters Cattle Dog kennels was the most famous in Australia but Berenice’s love for dingoes saw their property transformed over 40 years.

Wooleston Australian Cattle Dog Kennel
The kennels in the early days of the dingoes

Over the years Berenice and an enthusiastic team of volunteers gradually transformed the property into a haven of native plants. The sanctuary won many awards in the loval garden competition.

 The runs are now more suitable for dingoes. They are larger runs with dingo proof fencing. 
Names of the dingoes and their sponsors are shown for the information of visitors
A new entrance is built
By 1998 the grounds were relaxing and peaceful. Although Berenice was suffering the later stages of Motor Neurone Disease she delighted in the spending time in the gardens with the dingoes she loved.

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