Tuesday 1 November 2016

The Truth about Dingoes: 1

The Australian dingo is a medium sized carnivorous mammal, averaging 44cm-63cm at the shoulder, and weighing 13kg - 23kg on average.

Males are usually larger than females.
The dingo is an Apex Predator that controls feral species that threaten our native wildlife and plays a very important role in our biodiversity.
As long as there is water available the dingo survives in most habitats.

Numbers in the wild have declined over the years with the main cause being inter breeding with domestic dogs as well as being poisoned with 1080 baits, trapped or shot by those who believe that they are a threat to their livestock. When in fact they can be the farmer's friend!

Recent evidence shows that dingoes actually render a valuable service to graziers, and to the environment, by competing with - and preying upon feral predators like foxes and cats, as well as controlling rabbit and kangaroo populations.

They also positively benefit other native fauna and flora. Dingoes are the only predator that can naturally keep our ecosystems healthy.

Information reproduced with permission from http://jennyleeparker3.wixsite.com/aussie-canis-dingo



The fight for the dingo’s future is dependent on winning battles on several fronts.
  • Acknowledgement by government and the community at large of the important role the dingo plays in maintaining the balance in nature.
  • Banning the use of 1080 and other inhumane poisons used against both dingoes and foxes. Australia and New Zealand are the only countries that still use 1080. It is banned in the US where it is manufactured.
  • Consistency in laws regarding dingoes. Currently every state has a different law regarding the status of the dingo including keeping and breeding of dingoes.
  • The dingo must be removed from any noxious list and declared a protected species Australia wide.
  • Unity among the dingo fraternity must be a priority. Those people and organisations that fight the dingo cause need to put aside personal agendas and make the survival of the dingo the highest priority.

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